New 1Password sharing features lets users share docs with anyone – Geeky Gadgets - Gadget racks


Thursday, June 30, 2022

New 1Password sharing features lets users share docs with anyone – Geeky Gadgets

1Password sharing

1Password sharing

Developers of the excellent 1Password password manager have this week announced a new feature that allows you to share documents, files and files attached to any other 1Password item such as logins, secure notes, and credit cards with anyone even if they do not own 1Password. The new feature started rolling out last October and has now been finalized and officially launched enabling users to securely share 1Password files and documents with anyone. Learn how to share documents and more below.

Share a 1Password document or file

“Item sharing with 1Password is the easiest way to share anything in your 1Password vault with anyone else. Let’s say I want to share my bank account information with my partner. To do that, I first open the item in 1Password. Then I navigate to the item menu and select “Share.”

When I do, I’ll see two options. I can set an expiration date for the sharing link I’m about to generate, and I can choose to share it with anyone with the link, or only with people I specify. (If I restrict sharing to only people I specify, they’ll need to verify their email address with a one-time code to view the item.)

I can also toggle an option to make the link self-destruct after it’s been viewed for the first time.

When I select the “Get Link to Share” button, I then have the option to copy the share link I just generated. I can share that link wherever I wish – in an email or a chat, for example. When my recipient clicks the link, they’ll see each field for that item – for a bank account, that may be the account number and routing number, possibly a PIN if I’ve added one – in their web browser. They can copy each field individually, or save a copy of the item in their own 1Password account. That last bit’s optional, though: recipients need not be 1Password customers to view a shared link.”

To recap: open the item in 1Password, share it, and send it. Easy.

For more information on the new 1Password sharing feature jump over to the official company blog by following the link below.

Source : 1Password

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